PopoverDisplays rich content in a portal, triggered by a button.
The Popover component provides a way to display rich content in a portal when triggered by a button. It supports accessibility features, positioning options, and customizable styling. Install the component from your command line.
npm install @raystack/apsara
import { Popover, Button, Text } from '@raystack/apsara/v1'

  <Popover.Trigger asChild>
    <Button>Open Popover</Button>
    <Text size="2">This is the popover content</Text>
The Popover component consists of several parts, each with their own props:
  • defaultOpen: Boolean to control the default open state
  • open: Controlled open state
  • onOpenChange: Callback when open state changes
  • modal: Boolean to enable modal behavior
  • ariaLabel: Accessible label for the popover content (default: "Popover content")
  • side: Preferred side of the trigger to render ("top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left")
  • sideOffset: Distance in pixels from the trigger
  • align: Alignment relative to trigger ("start" | "center" | "end")
  • alignOffset: Offset in pixels from alignment edge
  • avoidCollisions: Boolean to prevent collision with viewport edges
  • collisionPadding: Padding between content and viewport edges
  • asChild: Boolean to merge props onto child element
Control the position and alignment of your popover relative to its trigger.
Customize how the popover aligns with its trigger.
The Callout component includes appropriate ARIA attributes for accessibility:
  • Uses semantic HTML elements for proper structure
  • Dismiss button includes aria-label for screen readers